Criminal Justice Classroom Presentations

Classroom presentations have officially started!! Cactus High School invites us every semester to speak with their Criminal Justice classes. It's a fun time as we are able to customize our presentations to address law enforcement's role in the fight against sex trafficking. This year we launched a new program called the Rebel Pledge. Students [...]

The Power of Convenience

A few weeks ago I once again found myself at a detention center. Maybe it is because I knew what to expect, but somehow the walls did not feel as oppressive, nor the inmates and staff as rigid this time around. The relationship that RLR and Girl Scouts developed has tuned out to be amazing. [...]

Reach Out: Super Bowl 2016

The way God brings people together for ministry is absolutely amazing to me! Meeting FREE International and the rest of Blitz the Trafficker team has given us so many blessings this last year! We were stoked to make it out to Super Bowl again to look for missing/exploited children. (For the full scoop on our [...]

Cactus High School Classroom Presentations

The classroom presentations have already started for the year! This is our third semester at Cactus High School presenting to Law Enforcement and Social Justice classes. Most of the students are interested in a career in law enforcement in one form or another. We have started to introduce an action item specific to these classes, [...]

Cactus HS: Law Enforcement Classroom Presentations

8-26-15: The school year was kicked off with our first classroom presentations at Cactus High School. Just the way we like it! We were extremely excited about the opportunity, especially because we worked super hard over the summer revamping our classroom presentations! God lead us to meet an amazing young woman who has poured countless hours [...]