Student Highlight: Emily, HS Senior

One of Brandon's many jobs has him doing front desk work at a music lessons school. If you have never worked with Brandon in a retail setting, you are missing out on a lot of shenanigans: pranks, banter that usually involves some goofy name calling, even old lady jokes. One of his co-workers who has [...]

God Is Moving

Working in aftercare is tough. I remember being a peer mentor for teens coming out of sex trafficking. The pain in their hearts and their search for love is heartbreaking. There were nights I would get home from my visitations and just lay on the floor of my dorm room and cry. It didn't make [...]

New Schools, New Students, New Levels of Patience

We are mid-way through the semester and presentations, and are already wondering where the time went! At the end of September we got the awesome opportunity to serve Barry Goldwater High School through health class presentations. The teachers went all out by booking the lecture hall and herding in multiple classes each period. Brittany, Brandon, [...]

Update 2: Support Raising

PRAISE REPORT: We are finally 50% funded!! God has been so good to us! This week we finally reached the half way point! We love seeing the diversity in the people God is bringing to the team - from backgrounds, ethnicity, belief systems, economic status, etc. We do what we do to glorify God and try [...]